Thursday, February 25, 2010

How to connect with your child at a deeper level

Parent-child bonding is the most precious attachment we could ever form. The amount of quality time you spend with your child will determine the bond you set with them. Having two children, I try to enjoy each day with them and let them know they are my life. Some different ideas would be dancing, playing games, going to the park, watching movies and most important, reading books together!

Let your child be a part of what you are doing. If you are cleaning, let your child wash the walls with a rag. If you are cooking, let your child add something or stir something. Usually, while I am doing the chores, I turn on the radio and invite my daughter to dance with me. We have a blast and she is learning all the new dance steps.

Make a special day of the week and take your child to the park each week, on that day. This will be special to your child as well as for yourself. Maybe go for ice cream and this can be an awesome ritual. Take some time while you are out, to talk to your child and know what is going on in their life. Children usually cannot wait for you to ask them so they can tell you. For the evening, come home and curl up with your child and watch a Disney movie. Disney has quite a selection, so you will be set for a while.

Every single night, before bedtime, make it a priority to read a book or two with your child! The results are fantastic! Your child will develop, grow and even nourish their little imaginations. Eventually, when they are old enough, they will start reading to you.

Just as important as reading is the very important urge to be involved! You must be familiar with your child's school, the staff, your child's friends. It is always great when parents' volunteer for the class and school functions. Nowadays, too many people make excuses for why they are too busy to pay attention to their children. Those are going to be the children who commit crimes, go uneducated, jobless, poor, and the list can go on. When you stay involved whether your child wants you to be there or not, you will have made all the difference! Have fun and play with your child. If you are dealing with a teen or preteen, take them skating or even to an arcade. Give them a chance to choose the day's events. Most important, we just need to let our children know they are loved.

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